Visit the Splodey Boats 2000 page
Destroy the enemy submarines using your depth charges. You may only drop one charge at a time.
This is a port of Splodey Boats, my Ludum Dare #29 entry. The original was built in 48 hours using AS3 and the Flixel library.
# Controls
- ← and → to move.
- SPACE to drop a depth charge.
- SPACE to detonate a dropped charge.
- S to emit a sonar pulse.
- ESC to quit.
# Credits and Thanks
- Phil Newton -- Code, graphics and sounds
- James Newton -- Music
Source files | 123 |
Lines of code | 6,091 |
Time worked | 30 hours 54 minutes |
Daily Activity
Milestone 1 - Mines and missiles
done☑ Add plane at random intervals
☑ Add dropping mine
☑ Add collision and timer to mine
☑ Update missiles to take damage
Milestone 2 - Powerups
done☑ Add dropping crate
☑ Add `Cluster Bomb` powerup
☑ Add `Mega Barrel` powerup
☑ Add `Smart Bomb` powerup
☑ Add `Homing Bomb` powerup
☑ Add `Missile Bomb` powerup
☑ Add health+, charge+ and sonar+ powerups
Milestone 3 - High scores
done☑ Add game over screen
☑ Add name entry to game over screen
☑ Add screen that lists local high scores
☑ Cycle between title and high-score table
Milestone 4 - Advanced controls
done☑ Add game pad support
Milestone 5 - Online high scores
in-progress☐ Submit player scores
☐ Sync local table with online table
☐ Add a separate screen for online high scores
☑ Create online page for high scores
Milestone 6 - Polish!
done☑ Add fireworks when stage is complete
☑ Add animations to title screen
☑ Add plants and rocks
☑ Add bubbles to missiles
Milestone 7 - Advanced configuration
done☑ Add ability to modify all entities via config
☑ Add ability to set game rules via config
☑ Add additional level customization
Milestone 8 - Final polish
todo☐ Add full screen mode
☑ Create a Raspberry Pi build
☑ Re-balance levels
☑ Add a complete README