; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; -- Blitz_Basic_HexToInt.bb
; --
; -- Converts a hexadecimal string value into an integer.
; --
; -- Version : 1.0
; -- Licence : Public Domain
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Converts a hex value to an integer value.
;;; The hex value to convert.
;;; Integer value.
;;; Blitz.Basic
Function HexToInt(hexValue$)
Local hexDigit%
Local strPos% = 1
Local strLen% = Len(hexValue$)
Local integerValue% = 0
hexDigit = (Asc(Mid$(hexValue$, strPos, 1)) - 48) And $1f
If hexDigit > 9 Then hexDigit = hexDigit - 7
integerValue = (integerValue Shl 4) + hexDigit
strPos = strPos + 1
Until strPos > strLen
Return integerValue
End Function