; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; --
; -- Blitz_Basic_Endian.bb
; --
; -- Functions for converting between endian formats.
; --
; -- Author : Phil Newton (http://www.sodaware.net/)
; -- Licence : Free to use & modify. Credit appreciated but not required.
; -- Version : 1.0
; --
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; --------------------------------------------------
; -- Quick Function Reference
; --------------------------------------------------
; Endian_ConvertShort
; Endian_ConvertLong
; --------------------------------------------------
; -- API Functions
; --------------------------------------------------
;;; Convert a short value to a different endian value.
;;; The short to change.
;;; If true, it's a signed short.
;;; The converted short.
;;; Blitz.Basic
Function Endian_ConvertShort(short, isSigned = True)
short = ((short And $ff00) Shr 8) Or ((short And $ff) Shl 8)
; Fix signed values
If isSigned And short >= $8000 Then
Return short - $10000
Return short
End Function
;;; Convert a long value to a different endian value.
;;; The long to change.
;;; If true, it's a signed long.
;;; The converted long.
;;; Blitz.Basic
Function Endian_ConvertLong(long, isSigned = True)
long = (long Shr 24) Or ((long Shl 8) And $FF0000) Or ((long Shr 8) And $ff00) Or (long Shl 24)
; Fix signed values
If isSigned And long >= $800000
Return long - $1000000
Return long
End If
End Function