There's a great crop of entries this month, although it's hard to believe we're already at the 9th edition of this carnival! Time flies when you're having fun, as they say. Enough introductions though, let's get down to business…
First up we have the mysterious PL from Web-based Browser Games, who shares two lists - one of text-based browser games and another of web-based virtual pet games.
Next on the list is Causalien who posted Team Fortress 2 beta impressions over at Ultracrepidate. It's written from the perspective of an "old timer" Team Fortress player, and is part one of a three part series.
Rickey Henderson sent in the splendidly titled "In Which Rickey Explains Why You Should Be Playing Halo", a review of Halo 3 posted on Riding with Rickey.
Next is a treat for Xbox 360 players, with Dustin's advice for getting 10,000 Easy Achievement Points for Xbox Live. You can read more from Dustin at his blog, "A PC Gamer in a Xbox World".
Dustin also shared "A New Xbox Gamer's Review of Bioshock", a review of Bioshock written squarely from a console owner's point of view.
Steve Bainbridge gives a brief overview of Beginners Wine DS at Professor Bainbridge on Wine. The game goes on sale in Japan on November 15th, and it certainly sounds…different.
And now for something completely different. Jonathon Weston of placeintheground.com wrote a beautifully satirical piece entitled "Leaving the House to Exercise will Kill You", which is aimed squarely at those who say exercising with the Wii is unhealthy and should be replaced.
If you'd like to play more and work less, Alfonso Crawford might have just the thing for you. "Living Off Gaming 0: Introduction", posted at Valhalla TV, is part of a series of articles to teach you how to make a living from playing games. Nice.
Mattcase points us towards the tr00f posted at Andrew. It's a video game blog hosted at uber.com, so I have no idea why it's entitled "Andrew"…
Next we have Samuel from Game Villa who sent in two flash games. First we have Starcraft: Flash Game, which is based on the popular RTS of the same name. There's also a Flash Prison Break Game, which is quite difficult but worth playing just to make the character run into walls.
Samuel finishes his set of entries with a guide on how to Write Your Own Game Reviews.
MMORPG players looking for some good communities to join can thank Aaron from Gamecron PC Gaming for his article "MMORPG Communities – A list of gaming social networks". It's quite in-depth, so you can get a good idea before joining.
Not content with this, Aaron also shares 3 Free Alternatives to World of Warcraft. If you're wanting an MMORPG to play without the fees, you might find something fun to play.
Marcus is next with a fine pair of submissions from his website "The Thoughts". BioShock, Symbolism and Mind-Control is a thought-provoking read that looks at the symbolism and subtle details hidden within BioShock.
He then goes on to look at Space Giraffe and human consciousness, comparing it with other brain altering technology and wondering if it can create altered states of thought. If you've not seen Space Giraffe moving, check out the video and then make yourself a nice relaxing cup of tea. You'll need it.
Jigsaw hc brings us to our penultimate entry, a Stranglehold Review over at Jigsaw hc's Rants & Reviews. Jigsaw hc is a regular contributor to these carnivals, and his blog is definitely worth a visit if you're looking for reviews of new and upcoming games.
It's nearly Halloween, so to get you in the mood we have part one of the MOST SCARY GAMES posted by irenic at Irenicplace. Unfortunately part one consists entirely of Silent Hill and Resident Evil games, but hopefully part two will look a little further afield.
That's all we have time for this issue! Thanks to all the contributors this month, and I look forward to seeing the same high quality for November's carnival.
You can submit an article for the next carnival of video game bloggers using the carnival submission form, and view past and previous editions at the blog carnival index page. The next edition is due on the 19th of November, so get those entries started!
Technorati tags: carnival of video game bloggers, blog carnival.