30 Days of Positive Affirmations - Conclusion
This article has now moved to my personal site: 30 Days of Positive Affirmations - Conclusion
This article has now moved to my personal site: 30 Days of Positive Affirmations - Conclusion
For me, New Year's Eve is a time for reflection, as well as a time to look to the future. I don't set New Year's Resolutions in the "normal" sense, such as "Get Rich" or "Get in Shape", because to me they're not useful as goals. I do set large goals for the entire year, and as with my 90 day goals (described in Keeping a Progress Log, part II), I divide them into 7 categories.
The main highlight of 2005 was gaining my BSc in Software Engineering. I also started this blog, and learnt some interesting and useful personal development strategies. Despite there being little to show, I feel this has been a good year for me.
As I'm sure you've noticed, I've not updated this blog for a while, so in 2006 I want to develop a regular posting schedule. I've already got some topics I want to cover, as well as a few more experiments I want to run. I also want to release the rest of this website, and start my own business.
Goodbye 2005!
This article has now moved to my personal site: Affirmations – Week Two
This article has now moved to my personal site: Affirmations – Week One
This article has now moved to my personal site: But I can't!