Welcome to the May 26, 2014 edition of the carnival of video game bloggers.
Unfortunately blogcarnival.com was down for most of the submission period, which limited the number of people that could send in articles.
This Edition's Participants
Meg Stivison from Simpsons Paradox sent in Not Quite Legendary ‘Legend Online’, a review of "Legend Online: New Era". I think the following quote gives a good idea of what's in store:
Good game design is often described as a series of meaningful choices, but it was hard to find either meaning or choice in Legends Online.
And finally, Peter John McLean over at writers global, they steal sent in "A Review of World of Warcraft Guides". If you're a recovering WoW addict you might want to give it a miss, but if you're just starting it's as good a place as any to get a head start.
Thank-you to the participants this month!
Next Edition
The next edition will be posted on June 23rd. Depending on interest I may switch to making these bi-monthly instead.
You can add your posts to the next edition of the carnival of video game bloggers using the carnival submission form. There are no strict rules, just make it something related to games that adds some value to the conversation. Reviews, project post-mortems and just chatting about your general experience with games are all great subjects, so don't be shy!
As always, past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.