It's taken me a little while to get around to packaging up March's game, but here it is.
Zap is a really simple shoot-em-up with a not-so-great control scheme. It's also probably the least amount of time I've ever spent making a game - just under 4 hours total.
Originally I'd intended to make a text adventure. I had a basic prototype up and running, but as the month wore on I was getting busier with client work, and it became clear that I could never get it finished on time.
In order to make such a short project more interesting, there are 4 versions of the game to play. Each one was built after an hour of work, and it's kind of neat to see how things change over such as short space of time.
Here's a rough rundown of what you can expect in each version:
- One type of enemy, and you'll need to refresh once you die.
- Working score, high score and different kinds of enemies. Full title, play and game over loop.
- Power-ups, particles, sound effects and a improved gameplay loop.
- Online high score table. Slightly tweaked speeds.
For April I'll be taking part in Ludum Dare #29, so expect some updates once that gets closer.