Hi there,

I am so glad you are experiencing success with affirmations!

Thanks for mentioning bmindful in your previous post btw! I really do appreciate it.

Did it play a part in your success? If not, how could I make it more useful to people such as yourself?

Good luck with everything, and keep it up!

Kind Regards,

Lee Nutter

December 12, 2005 at 01:09PM

Hi Lee,

bmindful has played a big part in my success, because most of my affirmations were either from the site, or based on ideas from it!

I enjoyed reading the articles, and I certainly recognised some of the things in "The Snowball Effect".

The only thing I can think of would be an "Add an affirmation to this tag" option when you're browsing tags. That's about the only improvement I could think of making.

As you can tell, I'm pleased with how things are going so far, and bmindful has been a big help. Thanks!

December 12, 2005 at 10:12PM

:) No problems :)

The suggested improvement is a fantastic idea, expect to see 'add an affirmation to this tag' some time before christmas!

Thanks for the suggestion!

December 15, 2005 at 09:08PM

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