"Psycho Bean" was my entry into Reddit Game Jam #6. The theme was “energy”, which threw up a few interesting ideas. The finished result ended up quite differently from the first draft, and underwent a major rewrite near the end.
The original "psycho bean" is an idea my brother came up with many years ago during one of our sugar-fuelled game idea sessions. This challenge seemed like the perfect time to bring that idea to life.
Getting Started: Mind Mapping
Below are computerised versions of the two mind maps I used when coming up with ideas for the game. There are plenty of dead ends, but a few of the ideas filtered through to the final game. The decreasing energy seemed like a good way to go, and the transformational aspect tied into the whole "psycho" idea.

The original game was going to be a platform game with shooting elements (i.e. Mario with guns). As you can see, things didn't end up that way.
A Brief History
I didn't make a time lapse video, but instead took screenshots at key times of development.
Version 1
Version 2
Version 3
Version 4
What Went Wrong
I made most of the mistakes from Monster Mash, and some new ones too!
- Even Slower Start – Saturday was the Reddit Triangle meetup, which took up most of the afternoon. Needless to say, not much code was written until the evening.
- Scrapped Everything – When development ended on Saturday night I wasn't happy with how the game played. The platforming didn't feel right, and every now and then the player would stick to the ground after jumping. I didn't think I'd be able to fix things in the morning, so a total rewrite was in order.
- Graphics Dictated Gameplay – Switching to the top down perspective had a few side-effects. The biggest was the lack of diagonal movement and firing, which made the game less enjoyable than it could have been.
What Went Right
- It Got Done – Like Monster Mash, at the end of the jam I had something playable. There were a few features that didn't make the cut, and a lot of the game is unpolished.
- Development Screenshots – Although I didn't make a time lapse, I did want to capture what the game looked like at various points in development.
- Scrapped The First Version – Moving from a platformer to a top-down shooter meant a lot of time was wasted, which can be a killer when there's a tight time limit. Fortunately the changes made the game far more playable which is the most important part.
Lessons For The Future
Lessons for next time:
- Iterate faster. Get it playable. Make it fun.
- Don't be afraid to throw things out if they're not fun.
- Don't worry if it looks stupid. It's not a beauty contest (although having a nice looking game certainly helps to attract votes)
You can play the latest version here: Psycho Bean.
View all of the entries here: Reddit Game Jam #6: Final Submissions
Wow, it's amazing to see Psycho Bean finally realised into a game after all these years! Here's a few quick bits of feedback.
Love the Minter-style particles, "Sugar Rush!" pop up and slightly Robotron-influenced gameplay. I think having it top-down was the right choice as you're not then worrying about making two styles of gameplay fun, but I agree that 8-way shooting would be a better way to go.
I wasn't a huge fan of the screen-shaking when you start Sugar Rush mode, though I understand why it's in, but I did like how it gets more intense the more sugar you consume. I like the power-ups and it's good to see those Lemonade Dippers in there too.
Congratulations mate, I had a lot of fun playing this :)
good times :)
Only got to chili bean, but those vegetables scared me off from continuing to try and reach what I can only assume is psycho bean status.